Manual Installation
The following instructions describe the step-by-step process for installing Alaveteli. You don't necessarily need to do it this way: it's usually easier to use the installation script.
Note that there are other ways to install Alaveteli.
- Commands in this guide will require root privileges
- Commands are intended to be run via the terminal or over ssh
Configure the Operating System
Target operating system
These instructions assume a 64-bit version of Debian 7 (Wheezy) or 14.04 LTS (Trusty). Debian is the best supported deployment platform. We also have instructions for installing on MacOS.
Set the locale
Debian Wheezy
Follow the Debian guide for configuring the locale of the operating system.
Generate the locales you wish to make available. When the interactive screen asks you to pick a default locale, choose “None”, as the SSH session will provide the locale required.
dpkg-reconfigure locales
Start a new SSH session to use your SSH locale.
Ubuntu Trusty
Unset the default locale, as the SSH session should provide the locale required.
update-locale LC_ALL=
Start a new SSH session to use your SSH locale.
If you’re going to run the tests, you’ll need to have the en_GB
and en_GB.UTF-8
locales installed.
locale-gen en_GB
locale-gen en_GB.UTF-8
Update the OS
Update the Operating System with the latest packages
apt-get update -y
apt-get upgrade -y
is not installed on Debian by default. Install it along with git
(the version control tool we’ll use to get a copy of the Alaveteli code).
apt-get install -y sudo git-core
Prepare to install system dependencies using OS packages
These are packages that the software depends on: third-party software used to parse documents, host the site, and so on. There are also packages that contain headers necessary to compile some of the gem dependencies in the next step.
Using other repositories to get more recent packages
Add the following repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list
Debian Wheezy
cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-extra.list <<EOF
# Debian mirror to use, including contrib and non-free:
deb wheezy main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free
# Security Updates:
deb wheezy/updates main non-free
deb-src wheezy/updates main non-free
Packages customised by mySociety
If you’re using Debian or Ubuntu, you should add the mySociety Debian archive to your apt sources. Note that mySociety packages are currently only built for 64-bit Debian.
Debian Wheezy
cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysociety-debian.list <<EOF
deb squeeze main
The repository above lets you install wkhtmltopdf-static
using apt
Add the GPG key from the mySociety Debian Package Repository.
wget -O - | apt-key add -
You should also configure package-pinning to reduce the priority of the mysociety Debian repository - we only want to pull wkhtmltopdf-static from mysociety.
cat >> /etc/apt/preferences <<EOF
Package: *
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: 50
Other platforms
If you’re using some other linux platform, you can optionally install these dependencies manually, as follows:
If you would like users to be able to get pretty PDFs as part of the downloadable zipfile of their request history, install wkhtmltopdf. We recommend downloading the latest, statically compiled version from the project website, as this allows running headless (that is, without a graphical interface running) on Linux. If you do install
, you need to edit a setting in the config file to point to it (see below). If you don’t install it, everything will still work, but users will get ugly, plain text versions of their requests when they download them. -
Version 1.44 of
contains a bug which makes it loop forever in certain edge conditions. This is fixed in the standard 1.44.7 package which is available in wheezy (Debian) and raring (Ubuntu).
If you can’t get an official release for your OS with the fix, you can either hope you don’t encounter the bug (it ties up a rails process until you kill it), patch it yourself, or use the Debian or Ubuntu packages compiled by mySociety.
Refresh sources
Refresh the sources after adding the extra repositories:
apt-get -y update
Create Alaveteli User
Create a new linux user to run the Alaveteli application. Add them to the ‘adm’ group so that they can read the mail log files.
adduser --quiet --disabled-password --gecos "Alaveteli" alaveteli
usermod -a -G adm alaveteli
Get Alaveteli
Create the target directory and clone the Alaveteli source code in to this directory:
mkdir -p /var/www/alaveteli
chown alaveteli:alaveteli /var/www
chown alaveteli:alaveteli /var/www/alaveteli
cd /home/alaveteli
sudo -u alaveteli git clone --recursive \
--branch master \ /var/www/alaveteli
This clones the master branch which always contains the latest stable release. If you want to try out the latest (possibly buggy) code you can switch to the develop
pushd /var/www/alaveteli
sudo -u alaveteli git checkout develop
sudo -u alaveteli git submodule update
The --recursive
option installs mySociety’s common libraries which are required to run Alaveteli.
Install the dependencies
Now install the packages relevant to your system:
# Debian Wheezy
apt-get -y install $(cat /var/www/alaveteli/config/packages.debian-wheezy)
Some of the files also have a version number listed in config/packages - check
that you have appropriate versions installed. Some also list “|
” and offer a
choice of packages.
sudo -u alaveteli gem install --user-install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri
You should see a warning telling you that gem executables will not run as the application
user doesn't have their local gem bin path in their path. Add it, making sure you use the ruby version
directory you see in the warning message:
cat >> /home/alaveteli/.bashrc <<EOF
export PATH="\$HOME/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/bin:\$PATH"
exec $SHELL
Configure Database
There has been a little work done in trying to make the code work with other databases (e.g., SQLite), but the currently supported database is PostgreSQL (“postgres”).
Create a foi
user from the command line, like this:
sudo -u postgres createuser -s -P foi
Note: Leaving the password blank will cause great confusion if you’re new to PostgreSQL.
We’ll create a template for our Alaveteli databases:
sudo -u postgres createdb -T template0 -E UTF-8 template_utf8
echo "update pg_database set datistemplate=true where datname='template_utf8';" > /tmp/update-template.sql
sudo -u postgres psql -f /tmp/update-template.sql
rm /tmp/update-template.sql
Then create the databases:
sudo -u postgres createdb -T template_utf8 -O foi alaveteli_production
sudo -u postgres createdb -T template_utf8 -O foi alaveteli_test
sudo -u postgres createdb -T template_utf8 -O foi alaveteli_development
Configure email
You will need to set up an email server – or Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) – to send and receive emails.
Full configuration for an MTA is beyond the scope of this document – see the guide for configuring the Exim4 or Postfix MTAs.
Note that in development mode mail is handled by mailcatcher
by default so
that you can see the mails in a browser. Start mailcatcher by running bundle exec mailcatcher
in the application directory.
Configure Alaveteli
Alaveteli has three main configuration files:
: Configures Alaveteli to communicate with the databaseconfig/general.yml
: The general Alaveteli application settings
Copy the configuration files and update their permissions:
cp /var/www/alaveteli/config/database.yml-example /var/www/alaveteli/config/database.yml
cp /var/www/alaveteli/config/general.yml-example /var/www/alaveteli/config/general.yml
chown alaveteli:alaveteli /var/www/alaveteli/config/{database,general}.yml
chmod 640 /var/www/alaveteli/config/{database,general}.yml
Now you need to set up the database config file so that the application can connect to the postgres database.
Edit each section to point to the relevant local postgresql database.
Example development
section of config/database.yml
adapter: postgresql
template: template_utf8
database: alaveteli_development
username: foi
password: secure-password-here
host: localhost
port: 5432
Make sure that the user specified in database.yml
exists, and has full
permissions on these databases.
As the user needs the ability to turn off constraints whilst running the tests
they also need to be a superuser (clarification: a Postgres superuser,
not an Alaveteli
If you don’t want your database user to be a superuser, you can add this line
to the test
section in database.yml
(as seen in config/database.yml-example
constraint_disabling: false
We have a full guide to Alaveteli configuration which covers all the settings in config/general.yml
Note: If you are setting up Alaveteli to run in production, set the STAGING_SITE
variable to 0
in /var/www/alaveteli/config/general.yml
The default settings for frontpage examples are designed to work with the dummy data shipped with Alaveteli; once you have real data, you should certainly edit these.
The default theme is the “Alaveteli” theme. When you run rails-post-deploy
(see below), that theme gets installed automatically.
You should run the rails-post-deploy
script after each new software upgrade:
sudo -u alaveteli RAILS_ENV=production \
This installs Ruby dependencies, installs/updates themes, runs database migrations, updates shared directories and runs other tasks that need to be run after a software update, like precompiling static assets for a production install.
That the first time you run this script can take a long time, as it must
compile native dependencies for xapian-full
Create the index for the search engine (Xapian):
sudo -u alaveteli RAILS_ENV=production \
If this fails, the site should still mostly run, but it’s a core component so you should really try to get this working.
. Use
if you are installing Alaveteli to make
changes to the code.
Configure the Application Server
Alaveteli can run under many popular application servers. mySociety recommends the use of Phusion Passenger (AKA mod_rails) or thin.
Using Phusion Passenger
Passenger is the recommended application server as it is well proven in production environments. It is implemented as an Apache mod, so it cannot be run independently.
apt-get install -y libapache2-mod-passenger
See later in the guide for configuring the Apache web server with Passenger.
Using Thin
Thin is a lighter-weight application server which can be run independently of a web server. Thin will be installed in the application bundle and used to run Alaveteli by default.
Run the following to get the server running:
cd /var/www/alaveteli
bundle exec thin \
--environment=production \
--user=alaveteli \
--group=alaveteli \
--servers=1 \
By default the server listens on all interfaces. You can restrict it to the
localhost interface by adding --address=
The server should have told you the URL to access in your browser to see the site in action.
You can daemonize the process by starting it with the --daemonize
Next we’ll actually create a SysVinit daemon to run the application, so stop any thin processes you’ve started here.
Cron jobs and Daemons
Now is a good time to configure the cron jobs and daemons required for the application to run.
Configure the web server
In almost all scenarios, we recommend running the Alaveteli Rails application behind a web server. This allows the web server to serve static content without going through the Rails stack, which improves performance.
We recommend two main combinations of application and web server:
- Apache & Passenger
- Nginx & Thin
There are ways to run Passenger with Nginx, and indeed Thin with Apache, but that’s out of scope for this guide. If you want to do something that isn’t documented here, get in touch on alaveteli-dev and we’ll be more than happy to help you get set up.
You should have already installed an application server if you have followed this guide, so pick the appropriate web server to configure.
Apache (with Passenger)
Install Apache with the Suexec wrapper:
apt-get install -y apache2
apt-get install -y apache2-suexec
Enable the required modules
a2enmod actions
a2enmod expires
a2enmod headers
a2enmod passenger
a2enmod proxy
a2enmod proxy_http
a2enmod rewrite
a2enmod suexec
Create a directory for optional Alaveteli configuration
mkdir -p /etc/apache2/vhost.d/alaveteli
Copy the example VirtualHost configuration file. You will need to change all
occurrences of
to your URL
Debian Wheezy
cp /var/www/alaveteli/config/httpd.conf-example \
Ubuntu Trusty
cp /var/www/alaveteli/config/httpd.conf-example \
Disable the default site and enable the alaveteli
Debian Wheezy
a2dissite default
a2ensite alaveteli
Ubuntu Trusty
a2dissite 000-default.conf
a2ensite alaveteli.conf
Check the configuration and fix any issues
apachectl configtest
Restart apache to load the new Alaveteli config
service apache2 graceful
It’s strongly recommended that you run the site over SSL. (Set FORCE_SSL
true in config/general.yml
). For this you will need an SSL certificate for your domain.
Enable the SSL apache mod
a2enmod ssl
Copy the SSL configuration – again changing
to your domain –
and enable the VirtualHost
Debian Wheezy
cp /var/www/alaveteli/config/httpd-ssl.conf.example \
a2ensite alaveteli_https
Ubuntu Trusty
cp /var/www/alaveteli/config/httpd-ssl.conf.example \
a2ensite alaveteli_https.conf
Force HTTPS requests from the HTTP VirtualHost
cp /var/www/alaveteli/config/httpd-force-ssl.conf.example \
If you are testing Alaveteli or setting up an internal staging site, generate
self-signed SSL certificates. Do not use self-signed certificates for a
production server. Replace
with your domain name.
openssl genrsa -out /etc/ssl/private/ 2048
chmod 640 /etc/ssl/private/
openssl req -new -x509 \
-key /etc/ssl/private/ \
-out /etc/ssl/certs/ \
-days 3650 \
-subj /
chmod 640 /etc/ssl/certs/
Check the configuration and fix any issues
apachectl configtest
Restart apache to load the new Alaveteli config. This will also restart Passenger (the application server).
service apache2 graceful
Nginx (with Thin)
Install nginx
apt-get install -y nginx
Running over SSL
It’s strongly recommended that you run the site over SSL. (Set FORCE_SSL
true in config/general.yml
). For this you will need an SSL certificate for your domain.
Copy the SSL configuration – changing
to your domain –
and enable the alaveteli_https
server, disabling the default site.
cp /var/www/alaveteli/config/nginx-ssl.conf.example \
rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/alaveteli_https \
has the path to Alaveteli set as /var/www/alaveteli/alaveteli
– you will need to manually change this to /var/www/alaveteli
, or to the root of your Alaveteli install
If you are testing Alaveteli or setting up an internal staging site, generate
self-signed SSL certificates. Do not use self-signed certificates for a
production server. Replace
with your domain name.
openssl genrsa -out /etc/ssl/private/ 2048
chmod 640 /etc/ssl/private/
openssl req -new -x509 \
-key /etc/ssl/private/ \
-out /etc/ssl/certs/ \
-days 3650 \
-subj /
chmod 640 /etc/ssl/certs/
If you have configured thin to use more than one server, you will need to edit the Alaveteli upstream
directive in your /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/alaveteli_https
file so
that it has a server
line for each instance you are running (otherwise nginx
will only know how to send requests to the first server process). Each address
line needs to have a unique port number - start at 3000
and add 1
for each
new process. For example if you started your cluster with 4 servers, the
upstream directive should look like this:
upstream alaveteli {
Check the configuration and fix any issues
service nginx configtest
Reload the new nginx configuration and restart the application
service nginx reload
service alaveteli restart
Running without SSL
false in config/general.yml
. Copy the example nginx config
cp /var/www/alaveteli/config/nginx.conf.example \
has the path to Alaveteli set as /var/www/alaveteli/alaveteli
– you will need to manually change this to /var/www/alaveteli
, or to the root of your Alaveteli install
Disable the default site and enable the alaveteli
rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/alaveteli \
If you have configured thin to use more than one server, you will need to edit the Alaveteli upstream
directive in your /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/alaveteli
file so
that it has a server
line for each instance you are running (otherwise nginx
will only know how to send requests to the first server process). Each address
line needs to have a unique port number - start at 3000
and add 1
for each
new process. For example if you started your cluster with 4 servers, the
upstream directive should look like this:
upstream alaveteli {
Check the configuration and fix any issues
service nginx configtest
Start the rails application with thin (if you haven’t already).
service alaveteli start
Reload the nginx configuration
service nginx reload
Add varnish as an HTTP accelerator
Under all but light loads, it is strongly recommended to run the server behind
an http accelerator like Varnish. A sample varnish VCL is supplied in
If you are using SSL you will need to configure an SSL terminator to sit in front of Varnish. If you’re already using Apache as a web server you could simply use Apache as the SSL terminator.
We have some production server best practice notes.
What next?
Check out the next steps.
Run the Tests
Make sure everything looks OK. As the alaveteli user, run:
bundle exec rake spec
If there are failures here, something has gone wrong with the preceding steps (see the next section for a common problem and workaround). You might be able to move on to the next steps, depending on how serious they are, but ideally you should try to find out what’s gone wrong.
, which is used to force the rails environment to production, and edit your .bundle/config
file to remove the BUNDLE_WITHOUT
line that excludes development dependencies. After you have done this, as the alaveteli user, run bundle install
. You will also need to make alaveteli the owner of /var/www/alaveteli/log/development.log
, and run the database migrations.
chown alaveteli:alaveteli /var/www/alaveteli/log/development.log
sudo -u alaveteli bundle exec rake db:migrate
You should then be able to run the tests. Don't forget to restore config/rails_env.rb
when you're done. You will probably see some errors from cron jobs in the meantime, as they'll be running in development mode.
When running tests, I see a failure with “PG::UndefinedObject: ERROR: collation “en_GB” for encoding “UTF8” does not exist”
You can install the “en_GB” collation manually:
psql -c 'CREATE COLLATION "en_GB" (LOCALE = "en_GB.utf8");' -U postgres alaveteli_test
Incoming emails aren’t appearing in my Alaveteli install
See the general email troubleshooting guide.
Various tests fail with “Your PostgreSQL connection does not support unescape_bytea. Try upgrading to pg 0.9.0 or later.”
You have an old version of
, the ruby postgres driver. In Ubuntu, for example, this is provided by the packagelibdbd-pg-ruby
.Try upgrading your system’s
installation, or installing the pg gem withgem install pg
Some of the tests relating to mail are failing, with messages like “when using TMail should load an email with funny MIME settings’ FAILED”
This sounds like the tests are running using the
environment, rather than thetest
environment, for some reason. -
Non-ASCII characters are being displayed as asterisks in my incoming messages
We rely on
to convert HTML email to plain text. Normally, the encoding should just work, but under some circumstances it appears thatelinks
ignores the parameters passed to it from Alaveteli.To force
always to treat input as UTF8, add the following to/etc/elinks/elinks.conf
:set document.codepage.assume = "utf-8" set document.codepage.force_assumed = 1
You should also check that your locale is set up correctly. See this issue followup for further discussion.
I’m seeing
rake: command not found
when running the post install scriptThe script uses
.It may be that the binaries installed by bundler are not put in the system
; therefore, in order to runrake
(needed for deployments), you may need to do something like:ln -s /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/bin/rake /usr/local/bin/