Installing the MTA

Alaveteli sends and receives email. You'll need to set up your Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) to handle this properly. We've got examples here for both postfix and exim4, two of the most popular MTAs.

How Alaveteli handles email

Request mail

When someone makes a Freedom of Information request to an authority through Alaveteli, the application sends an email containing the request to the authority.

The email’s reply-to address is a special one (known as a “subaddress”) so that any replies to it can be automatically directed back to Alaveteli, and so that Alaveteli can tell which request the reply needs to be shown with. This requires some configuration of the MTA on the server that is running Alaveteli.

The default approach is to pipe all emails to these special addresses to Alaveteli to handle, via its script/mailin script. Email can also be delivered to a mailbox accessible over POP and then fetched by the Mail Poller - this is usually used alongside the pipe script method for users sending batch requests.

The special addresses are of the form:


Parts of this address are controlled with options in config/general.yml:


If there is some error inside Rails while processing an email, an exit code 75 is returned to the MTA by the script/mailin script. Postfix and Exim (and maybe others) take this as a signal for the MTA to try again later. Additionally, a stacktrace is emailed to CONTACT_EMAIL.

Production installs of Alaveteli should make a backup copy of emails sent to the special addresses. You can configure your chosen MTA to backup these in a separate mailbox.

Transactional mail

Alaveteli also sends emails to users about their requests – letting them know when someone has replied to them, or prompting them to take further action.

Configure the address that these messages are sent from in the CONTACT_EMAIL option in config/general.yml:


The address in CONTACT_EMAIL is also visible in various places on the site so that users can get in touch with the team that runs the site.

You must configure your MTA to deliver mail sent to these addresses to the administrators of your site so that they can respond to it.

Tracks mail

Users subscribed to updates from the site – known as tracks – receive emails when there is something new of interest to them on the site.

Configure the address that these messages are sent from in the TRACK_SENDER_EMAIL option in config/general.yml:


Automatic bounce handling (optional)

As CONTACT_EMAIL and TRACK_SENDER_EMAIL appear in the From: header of emails sent from Alaveteli, they sometimes receive reply emails, including bounce messages and ‘out of office’ notifications.

Alaveteli provides a script (script/handle-mail-replies) that handles bounce messages and ‘out of office’ notifications and forwards genuine mails to your administrators.

It also prevents further track emails being sent to a user email address that appears to have a permanent delivery problem.

To make use of automatic bounce-message handling, set TRACK_SENDER_EMAIL and CONTACT_EMAIL to an address that you will filter through script/handle-mail-replies. Messages that are not bounces or out-of-office autoreplies will be forwarded to FORWARD_NONBOUNCE_RESPONSES_TO, which you should set to a mail alias that points at your list of site administrators.

See the MTA-specific instructions for how to do this for exim and postfix.

Note: Bounce handling is not applied to request emails. Bounce messages from authorities get added to the request page so that the user can see what has happened. Users can ask site admins for help redelivering the request if necessary.

Using a POP server

You can use an email address that delivers to a POP service, either hosted by a third party or you could run one yourself using software like Dovecot. There are many options available.

There are a range of configuration options that can be used to configure connectivity to the POP service:

POP_MAILER_PASSWORD: 'supersecretpassword'

You will need to ensure that request emails are delivered to the POP service as well as the pipe script.

This could be directly, although the service will need to support special addresses via subaddressing as outlined above.

Alternatively, you can still use your own MTA and configure that to copy email to a local user with a POP mailbox. We have provided some suggestions on how to achieve this below.

POP Server Configuration

You may decide to run your own POP server. If you do, consider the following:

  • Use Maildir rather than mbox format for the mailboxes. This avoids file locking race conditions between the POP server itself and the MTA delivering new mail.
  • For security, restrict access to the POP server to the server hosting your Alaveteli. You could install the POP service on the same host and limit access to localhost connections.
  • If you are running a local POP server on the same host as the Alaveteli installation, the default settings are likely to be close to what you need.
  • If you are running the POP server on a separate host, ensure you are using TLS.
  • Even with restricted access to the POP server, be aware that if you are using local UNIX users ensure that these users have strong passwords and cannot access the server on other channels, such as SSH.

Configuration Examples

  • Commands in this guide will require root privileges
  • Commands are intended to be run via the terminal or over ssh

Make sure you follow the correct instructions for the specific MTA you’re using:

Example setup on postfix

This section shows an example of how to set up your MTA if you’re using postfix. See the example for exim4 if you’re using that instead of postfix.

Install postfix

# Install debconf so we can configure non-interactively
apt-get -qq install -y debconf >/dev/null

# Set the default configuration 'Internet Site'
echo postfix postfix/main_mailer_type select 'Internet Site' | debconf-set-selections

# Set your hostname (change to your hostname)
echo postfix postfix/mail_name string "" | debconf-set-selections

# Install postfix
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -qq -y install postfix >/dev/null

Configure postfix

Pipe incoming mail for requests into Alaveteli

If the Unix user that is going to run your site is alaveteli, and the directory where Alaveteli is installed is /var/www/alaveteli, create the pipe that will receive request mail:

cat >> /etc/postfix/ <<EOF
alaveteli unix  - n n - 50 pipe
  flags=R user=alaveteli argv=/var/www/alaveteli/script/mailin

The Unix user should have write permissions on the directory where Alaveteli is installed.

Configure postfix to accept messages for local delivery where recipients are:

  • defined by a regular expression in /etc/postfix/transports
  • local UNIX accounts
  • local aliases specified as regular expressions in /etc/postfix/recipients
cat >> /etc/postfix/ <<EOF
transport_maps = regexp:/etc/postfix/transports
local_recipient_maps = proxy:unix:passwd.byname regexp:/etc/postfix/recipients

In /etc/postfix/ update the mydestination line (which determines what domains this machine will deliver locally). Add your domain, not, to the beginning of the list:

mydestination =, localhost.localdomain, localhost
This guide assumes you have set INCOMING_EMAIL_PREFIX to foi+ in config/general.yml

Pipe all incoming mail for your domain where the To: address starts with foi+ to the alaveteli pipe (/var/www/alaveteli/script/mailin, as specified in /etc/postfix/ at the start of this section):

cat > /etc/postfix/transports <<EOF
/^foi\+.*$/           alaveteli

The domain should be set to your actual domain.

Copying request mail to a POP box and a backup user

This section outlines one possible method for sending on copies of request mail to either or both a POP mailbox and a backup user.

First, add the following line to /etc/postfix/

recipient_bcc_maps = regexp:/etc/postfix/recipient_bcc

Second, configure mail sent to an foi+ prefixed address to be sent to a local redirect user. The foiredirect alias will be defined in the /etc/aliases file when we set up recipient groups below:

cat > /etc/postfix/recipient_bcc <<EOF
/^foi\+.*$/                foiredirect

Again, the domain should be set to your actual domain.

You can copy all incoming mail to Alaveteli to a backup account to a separate mailbox, just in case.

Create a UNIX user backupfoi

adduser --quiet --disabled-password --shell "/usr/sbin/nologin" \
  --gecos "Alaveteli Mail Backup" backupfoi

If you are running the POP server on the same host as your installation, you may need a dedicated UNIX user to send the email to. Similar to the backup user, this can be created as follows, but may need a password:

adduser --quiet --shell "/usr/sbin/nologin" \
  --gecos "Alaveteli POP User" popfoi

Or just make a note of the email address to be used if different.

Define the valid recipients for your domain

Create /etc/postfix/recipients with the following command:

cat > /etc/postfix/recipients <<EOF
/^foi.*/                this-is-ignored
/^postmaster@/          this-is-ignored
/^user-support@/        this-is-ignored
/^team@/                this-is-ignored

The left-hand column of this file specifies regular expressions that define addresses that mail will be accepted for. The values on the right-hand side are ignored by postfix. Here we allow postfix to accept mails to special Alaveteli addresses, and, and

The domain is set in the mydestination as above. This should be set to your actual domain.

Set up contact email recipient groups

To set up recipient groups for the postmaster@, team@ and user-support@ email addresses at your domain, add alias records for them in /etc/aliases; this also contains the alias used for the POP and Backup users:

cat >> /etc/aliases <<EOF
user-support: team
foiredirect: popfoi, backupfoi

Note that if you are using an external POP service you should use the full email address, for example:

foiredirect:, backupfoi

Discard unwanted incoming email

Configure postfix to discard any messages sent to the BLACKHOLE_PREFIX address, whose default value is do-not-reply-to-this-address:

cat >> /etc/aliases <<EOF
# We use this for envelope from for some messages where
# we don't care about delivery
do-not-reply-to-this-address:        /dev/null

If you have set BLACKHOLE_PREFIX address, replace do-not-reply-to-this-address with the address you have configured.

Filter incoming messages to site admin addresses

You can make use of Alaveteli’s automatic bounce handling to filter bounces sent to TRACK_SENDER_EMAIL and CONTACT_EMAIL.

This guide assumes you have set the following in config/general.yml: Change the examples below to the addresses you have configured.

Create a new pipe to handle replies:

cat >> /etc/postfix/ <<EOF
alaveteli_replies unix  - n n - 50 pipe
  flags=R user=alaveteli argv=/var/www/alaveteli/script/handle-mail-replies

Note: Replace /var/www/alaveteli with the correct path to Alaveteli if required.

Pipe mail sent to to the alaveteli_replies pipe:

cat >> /etc/postfix/transports <<EOF
/^$/            alaveteli_replies

Finally, edit /etc/aliases to remove user-support:


Allow Larger Email Attachments in Postfix

Out of the box, Postfix is set to accept emails with a maximum size of 10MB. If you anticipate receiving emails with sizeable attachments, you might consider increasing this limit. To set the maximum email size to around 30MB, modify the /etc/postfix/ file by adding:

message_size_limit = 30720000

Afterwards apply the change.


For the postfix logs to be successfully read by script/load-mail-server-logs, they need to be log rotated with a date in the filename. Since that will create a lot of rotated log files (one for each day), it’s good to have them in their own directory.

You’ll also need to tell Alaveteli where the log files are stored and that they’re in postfix format. Update MTA_LOG_PATH and MTA_LOG_TYPE in config/general.yml:

MTA_LOG_PATH: '/var/log/mail/mail.log-*'
MTA_LOG_TYPE: "postfix"

Configure postfix to log to its own directory:


In /etc/rsyslog.conf, set:

mail.*                  -/var/log/mail/mail.log

In /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf set:

mail.*                  -/var/log/mail/mail.log
Configure logrotate

Configure logrotate to rotate the log files in the required format:

cat >> /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog <<EOF
      rotate 30
              reload rsyslog >/dev/null 2>&1 || true

Making the changes live

As the root user, make all these changes live with the following commands:

service rsyslog restart

postmap /etc/postfix/transports
postmap /etc/postfix/recipients
postmap /etc/postfix/recipient_bcc
postfix reload

Troubleshooting (postfix)

To test mail delivery, run:

$ /usr/sbin/sendmail -bv

Make sure to replace with your domain. This command tells you if sending the emails to foi\+.* and the backup account is working (it doesn’t actually send any mail). If it is working, you should receive a delivery report email, with text like:

<>: delivery via alaveteli:
delivers to command: /var/www/alaveteli/script/mailin
<>: delivery via local: delivers to  mailbox

You can also test the other aliases you have set up for your domain in this section to check that they will deliver mail as you expect. For example, you can test bounce message routing in the same way - the text of this delivery report mail should read something like:

<>: delivery via alaveteli_replies: delivers to command: /var/www/alaveteli/script/handle-mail-replies

Note that you may need to install the mailutils package to read the delivery report email using the mail command on a new server:

apt-get install mailutils

If emails are not being received by your Alaveteli install, we have some more troubleshooting tips for incoming mail in general email troubleshooting.

Example setup on exim4

This section shows an example of how to set up your MTA if you’re using exim4. See the example for postfix if you’re using that instead of exim4.

Install exim4

Install exim4:

 apt-get install exim4

Configure exim4

Set up exim to receive mail from other servers

Edit /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf. Set the following settings (use your hostname, not

dc_local_interfaces=' ; ::1'

This final line tells exim to use the files in /etc/exim4/conf.d to configure itself.

Define general variables and logging settings

Create /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/04_alaveteli_options with the command:

cat > /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/04_alaveteli_options <<'EOF'
MAIN_LOG_SELECTOR==+all -retry_defer

This sets up ALAVETELI_HOME and ALAVETELI_USER for use in other config files, and sets up logging.

  • ALAVETELI_HOME: set to the directory where Alaveteli is installed.
  • ALAVETELI_USER: should be the Unix user that is going to run your site. They should have write permissions on ALAVETELI_HOME.
  • log_file_path: The name and location of the log files created by Exim must match what the load-mail-server-logs script expects
  • MAIN_LOG_SELECTOR: The check-recent-requests-sent scripts expects the logs to contain the from=<...> envelope information, so we make the logs more verbose
  • extract_addresses_remove_arguments: setting to false gets exim to treat the -t command line option that the mail gem uses when specifying delivery addresses on the command line as specifying that the addresses should be added, not removed. See this mail issue for more details.
Note: If you are editing an existing exim config rather than creating a new one, check the untrusted_set_sender option in /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/02_exim4-config_options. By default, untrusted users in exim are only allowed to set an empty envelope sender address, to declare that a message should never generate any bounces. untrusted_set_sender can be set to a list of address patterns, meaning that untrusted users are allowed to set envelope sender addresses that match any of the patterns in the list. If a pattern list is specified, you will need also to add ALAVETELI_USER to the MAIN_TRUSTED_USERS list in order to allow them to set the return path on outgoing mail. This option is also in /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/02_exim4-config_options in a split config. Look for the line that begins with MAIN_TRUSTED_USERS - something like:
and add the alaveteli user:
MAIN_TRUSTED_USERS = uucp : alaveteli
If untrusted_set_sender is set to *, that means that untrusted users can set envelope sender addresses without restriction, so there's no need to add ALAVETELI_USER to the MAIN_TRUSTED_USERS list.

Pipe incoming mail for requests from Exim to Alaveteli

In this section, we’ll add config to pipe incoming mail for special Alaveteli addresses into Alaveteli, and also send them to a local backup mailbox and possibly a POP mailbox.

Create the backupfoi UNIX user

adduser --quiet --disabled-password \
  --gecos "Alaveteli Mail Backup" backupfoi

If using a local POP mailbox, ensure the UNIX user is created

adduser --quiet --shell "/usr/sbin/nologin" \
  --gecos "Alaveteli POP User" popfoi

Specify an exim router for special Alaveteli addresses, which will route messages into Alaveteli using a local pipe transport:

cat > /etc/exim4/conf.d/router/04_alaveteli <<'EOF'
   debug_print = "R: alaveteli for $local_part@$domain"
   driver = redirect
   data = ${lookup{$local_part}wildlsearch{ALAVETELI_HOME/config/aliases}}
   pipe_transport = alaveteli_mailin_transport

Create /etc/exim4/conf.d/transport/04_alaveteli, which sets the properties of the pipe transport that will deliver mail to Alaveteli:

cat > /etc/exim4/conf.d/transport/04_alaveteli <<'EOF'
   driver = pipe
   command = $address_pipe ${lc:$local_part}
   current_directory = ALAVETELI_HOME
   home_directory = ALAVETELI_HOME
This guide assumes you have set INCOMING_EMAIL_PREFIX to foi+ in config/general.yml

Create the config/aliases file that the alaveteli_request exim router sources. This pipes mail from the special address to script/mailin, the backupfoi user and the POP user:

cat > /var/www/alaveteli/config/aliases <<'EOF'
^foi\\+.*: "|/var/www/alaveteli/script/mailin", backupfoi, popfoi

Note: Replace /var/www/alaveteli with the correct path to Alaveteli if required.

Note: If you are using an external POP service you should use the full email address, for example:

cat > /var/www/alaveteli/config/aliases <<'EOF'
^foi\\+.*: "|/var/www/alaveteli/script/mailin", backupfoi,

Set up your contact email recipient groups

To set up recipient groups for the team@ and user-support@ email addresses at your domain, add alias records for them in /var/www/alaveteli/config/aliases

cat >> /var/www/alaveteli/config/aliases <<EOF
user-support: team

Discard unwanted incoming email

Configure exim to discard any messages sent to the BLACKHOLE_PREFIX address, whose default value is do-not-reply-to-this-address

cat >> /var/www/alaveteli/config/aliases <<EOF
# We use this for envelope from for some messages where
# we don't care about delivery
do-not-reply-to-this-address:        :blackhole:

Note: Replace /var/www/alaveteli with the correct path to Alaveteli if required.

Filter incoming messages to admin addresses

You can make use of Alaveteli’s automatic bounce handling to filter bounces sent to TRACK_SENDER_EMAIL and CONTACT_EMAIL.

This guide assumes you have set the following in config/general.yml: Change the examples below to the addresses you have configured.

Change the user-support line in /var/www/alaveteli/config/aliases:

user-support:     |/var/www/alaveteli/script/handle-mail-replies


You’ll need to tell Alaveteli where the log files are stored and that they’re in exim format. Update MTA_LOG_PATH and MTA_LOG_TYPE in config/general.yml:

MTA_LOG_PATH: '/var/log/exim4/exim-mainlog-*'
MTA_LOG_TYPE: 'exim'

Making the changes live in exim

Finally, execute the commands:

service exim4 restart

Note that if the file /etc/exim4/exim4.conf exists then update-exim4.conf will silently do nothing. Some distributions include this file. If yours does, you will need to remove or rename it before running update-exim4.conf.

Troubleshooting (exim)

To test mail delivery, as a privileged user run:

exim4 -bt

replacing with your domain name. This should tell you which routers are being processed. You should see something like:

$ exim4 -bt
R: alaveteli for -> |/var/www/alaveteli/script/mailin
  transport = alaveteli_mailin_transport
R: alaveteli for
R: system_aliases for
R: userforward for
R: procmail for
R: maildrop for
R: lowuid_aliases for (UID 1001)
R: local_user for
  router = local_user, transport = mail_spool

This tells you that the routing part (making emails to foi\+.* be forwarded to Alaveteli’s mailin script, and also sent to the local backup account) is working. You can test bounce message routing in the same way:

exim4 -bt
R: alaveteli for -> |/var/www/alaveteli/script/handle-mail-replies
  transport = alaveteli_mailin_transport

If emails are not being received by your Alaveteli install, we have some more troubleshooting tips for incoming mail in the next section. There is also a great Exim Cheatsheet online that you may find useful.

General Email Troubleshooting

First, you need to check that your MTA is delivering relevant incoming emails to the script/mailin command. There are various ways of setting your MTA up to do this; we have documented one way of doing it in Exim, including a command you can use to check that the email routing is set up correctly. We’ve also documented one way of setting up Postfix, with a similar debugging command.

Second, you need to test that the mailin script itself is working correctly, by running it from the command line, First, find a valid “To” address for a request in your system. You can do this through your site’s admin interface, or from the command line, like so:

$ ./script/console
Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.14)
>> InfoRequest.find_by_url_title("why_do_you_have_such_a_fancy_dog").incoming_email
=> "request-101-50929748@localhost"

Now take the source of a valid email (there are some sample emails in spec/fixtures/files/); edit the To: header to match this address; and then pipe it through the mailin script. A non-zero exit code means there was a problem. For example:

$ cp spec/fixtures/files/ /tmp/
$ perl -pi -e 's/^To:.*/To: <request-101-50929748@localhost>/' /tmp/
$ ./script/mailin < /tmp/
$ echo $?

The mailin script emails the details of any errors to CONTACT_EMAIL (from your general.yml file). A common problem is for the user that the MTA runs as not to have write access to files/raw_emails/.

If everything seems fine locally, you should also check from another computer connected to the Internet that the DNS for your chosen domain indicates that your Alaveteli server is handling mail, and that your server is receiving mail on port 25. The following command is a query to ask which server is handling the mail for the domain, which receives the answer

$ host -t mx mail is handled by 5

This next command tries to connect to port 25, the standard SMTP port, on, and is refused.

$ telnet 25
telnet: connect to address Connection refused

The transcript below shows a successful connection where the server accepts mail for delivery (the commands you would type are prefixed by a $):

$ telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Exim 4.80 Tue, 12 Aug 2014 11:10:39 +0000
250 Hello X []
$ MAIL FROM: <test@local.domain>
250 OK
$ RCPT TO:<>
250 Accepted
354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself
$ Subject: Test
$ This is a test mail.
$ .
250 OK id=1XHA03-0001Vx-Qn