How to make a new theme

Every new Alaveteli site needs its own theme before it can go into the world. This page describes the process for making a new one.

There’s a lot you can do with Alaveteli’s themes, but to get started all you need to know is: your site must have one. Later, you can read all about themes and the things you can do with them. But for now we suggest you follow these steps. You’ll end up with your own theme, with your own colour and logo displayed on your Alaveteli site. Once you’ve got that, you can — of course — make more customisations, as fancy as you like.

If you’ve already got a theme, well done! Also, remember that there are other ways to customise your site — such as configuration settings and translations — in addition to the changes you can make to the theme.

But if you’ve just installed the software (for example, you’ve just completed a Docker installation), follow these steps to make your Alaveteli site your own.

1. Fork the Alaveteli theme

If you’re familiar with git, you can do this your own way. But we think the easiest way is to do it within GitHub.

You’ll need your own account on GitHub to do this.

…and it’s done!

2. Give it a unique name

You must give the repo you’ve just forked its own name. Ideally, it should match the sitename you’re planning on running (for example, if your site is going to be, then a good name would be abcexample-theme). Don’t worry if you haven’t really sorted out the domain or even the final name yet; this is just so your theme cannot be mistaken for any others.

To do this, go to GitHub and find the repo you’ve just forked, and click on its Settings tab. You can edit the name of the repo there: change it from alavetelitheme to your own theme name.

Note: if you’re using the Firefox browser, you may encounter a bug with GitHub+Firefox here, so you might need to use another browser for this operation.

You must rename the repo, because you'll run into problems later on if your theme has the same name as the default one, alavetelitheme.

3. Point your config at your new repo

Now your own theme repo exists, point your Alaveteli install at it by editing the THEME_URLS setting in the config file.

Set it to the URL of your uniquely named repo, for example:

     - ''

4. Tell Alaveteli to get its theme

Next, tell Alaveteli to pull the repo down from the URL in THEMES_URL, and install it as the theme your installation will use.

Do this by issuing this command:

docker compose run --rm app bundle exec rails themes:install

Alaveteli will connect to GitHub, pull down your theme repo and put it in the right place within your Alaveteli installation.

When it’s finished, you can see that your theme (that is, all the files from the repo) has been reproduced in lib/themes/.

If you're just following this guide to see what is possible and have no interest in saving the changes you're about to make, you can skip this bit!

On the command line, cd to your theme's folder inside lib/themes/. This is where your theme code will live, and is where you should issue your git commands from to commit and push your changes.

You now need to issue this command:

git checkout master
This is needed because, unless you've told it explicitly to do otherwise, the rake task won't checkout a branch (instead, it leaves you in a "detached HEAD" state) -- see the note about branches below. You are now all set to be able to push your changes back to Github when you're happy with them.

5. Change the primary colour

You’re ready to make a change and see that change appear in your browser.

Alaveteli uses a set of basic Sass variables to define the layout for the site on different device sizes, and some basic styling.

There’s more than one way to do this, but the simplest way (which means you can most easily see the consequences of any changes you make) is to edit your theme’s files inside Alaveteli installation, within lib/themes/. Within that directory, find your theme and edit /assets/stylesheets/responsive/custom.scss. Find the Sass variable $color_primary and change the colour value. For example:

$color_primary = #ff0000;

This sets the primary colour to red (#ff0000 in that example can be any CSS colour value). Of course, this is just to show that you can change it: really, you can change anything in this theme — that’s the whole point.

The development server automatically rebuilds any resources that have been changed; in this case it means it will build new versions of the CSS file from the Sass, containing the new colour you’ve picked.

6. See the new colour!

Before trying to look at the site, make sure the development server is running.

docker compose run --rm app bundle exec rails server

Now if you look at the home page on your development server, you’ll see the new colour.

If you change the colour again, and it doesn't update when you refresh the browser, you might need to delete everything in /tmp/cache within your installation to force this behaviour.

To change the default, placeholder logo, replace the file /assets/images/logo.png with one of your own (don’t change the filename — you’re really just replacing its contents). We recommend you keep to the same aspect ratio to start with, because that will fit in with the rest of the layout. Of course, you can change all of that later: this is just to get you comfortable with the most important changes.

Alaveteli uses Rails’ asset pipeline, and when it gathers its resources together (of which your logo.png is one), anything in your custom theme will override what’s in the default theme. So your logo will appear if you put it into your theme, because you’ve nominated your theme as the primary one in THEME_URLS. Any resources that aren’t in your theme will be taken from the core asset directories instead.

8. Commit the changes

If you're used to working with git, you might have done this already, when you changed the colour and the logo.

You need to commit the changes (that is, tell git what you changed and why), and then push those changes back up to your repo on GitHub. This is because, eventually, your production site will be pulling the theme from there (you’ll put the URL of your theme in your THEME_URLS config setting for your production server, just like you have done for this development one).

There are different ways to commit your changes, but here’s one method:

git commit -a -m "changed colour and logo to match brand style"

The -a option of the commit command commits all the files you’ve changed, and the -m option adds a message describing what you did and why.

Well done — when you’ve customised your theme and pushed that work back up to GitHub, you’re well on your way to having your own Alaveteli site.

One good reason for pushing to GitHub is that we can look at it (or, more usefully perhaps, run it on a development server of our own by putting that URL into our THEME_URLS setting) if you need any help.

Branches within your theme repo

The rake themes:install task deploys your theme by pulling it down from the nominated URL. As mentioned above, by default this will check out your theme at the most recent commit on the master branch. It does this with a detached HEAD, which is usually what you want in production (because you won’t be making changes there), but might catch you out in your development environment. All this means is that after running the rake task, the state of the git repo that’s now inside lib/themes isn’t explicitly on any branch: you can remedy this manually with git checkout branch-name.

However, there’s a setting in your config called THEME_BRANCH that overrides this behaviour. If you’re not familiar with git you don’t need to worry about it (because your changes will probably be going onto master, the default, anyway). But if you are using branches in your development, use this config setting to tell your Alaveteli which branch of your theme repo you want rake themes:install to deploy.

Remember that this is about the branch your theme repo is on, not the main git repo for your Alaveteli install. The themes:install rake task is cloning your theme repo into a directory inside the Alaveteli repo. That is, it’s one repo inside another. If you don’t like working like this, you can always edit your theme files in a repo elsewhere, and push them up to GitHub before you do themes:install.

More changes…

That’s the end of the step-by-step process to make your own theme, but of course this is just the start of your customisation.

For more detail about what you can do in your theme, see more about themes.

Changing the help pages

Every Alaveteli site is doing something unique so you must update the help information that comes as standard. Perhaps some of it is applicable, but we promise you that the “boilerplate” text in the default theme is not ready to go onto your own site without some changes.

The help pages live in your theme like the other customisations, and not the core site code, so that you can update the core Alaveteli code on your site whenever we release a newer version without that update colliding with your changes.

See changing the help pages for details.

As usual, whenever you make changes, commit them and be sure to push them up the your theme’s repo on GitHub.

Not just in English?

Although Alaveteli ships with English as the default, the platform happily runs in any language.

If we’ve already got translations available for the language (or languages: Alaveteli supports multilingual sites too), you can probably just switch them on.

However, note that switching the language, and some of the consequences of customising in one or more different languages, is not really happening in your theme. It’s a site-wide issue, and — especially if you need to add new translations — this is handled differently. Get in touch with us and we’ll help — we’re always happy to add new translations to Alaveteli.